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Terms & Conditions

Thank you for visiting us online at Dorchester Chiropractic Clinic to book in your session with us! Your booking is subject to an check from Dr Sophia DC who will ensure your details are correct and the payment has been made before fully confirming your booking with us.

For all cancellations and changes, we please ask for 48 hours' notice. We are extremely busy, and 48 hours' notice gives us the opportunity to donate this time slot to someone else on our waiting list. Any missed appointments or any cancellations without 48 hours' notice will be your responsibility and will be charged in full.

Thank you, your appointment is confirmed!

You will receive an appointment confirmation email with details of your booking. We look forward to seeing you in the clinic.

Booking Summary

Appointment Type

Infrared Light Therapy INTRODUCTION


Sophia Taylor

Date & Time


Payment Amount
